Friday, April 25, 2008

In Transit

I don't think my body likes sitting on a plane for 14 hours!!! My flight departed at 1:20am and they gave us dinner once in the air (why? - who eats that late?).

Slept a little, watched I am Legend. Right now I am enjoying a mocha and walking around before my next flight. The airport is nice with some cool stores but not too much of it is open at this hour. Very overcast here, hopefully it will be clear in Shanghai.

I realize I've forgotten the usb cable and the card reader - grrrr - hoping my sister has one.


smariek said...

I wonder whether they served dinner because they were going by early dinnertime in Asia?

All the crunchy stuff was taking up too much space, so of course you forgot your usb cable & card reader, lol. I'm sure you can find replacements there. You realize that we'll all tar & feather you if we don't have regular updates on the blog, right?

Jonathan said...

Sounds like an interesting trip you are having. I bet they have nice places to shop for shoes and tee shirts over there, huh?

Jonathan said...

Hey now that's a breakfast! Keep on truckin V, were all right behind ya! Wonderful pictures again. Have a great day.