Tuesday, May 13, 2008

This and that

I know I am a few days behind. The matter of mozilla/internet explorer/blogger/picasaweb has been a bit of a hassle (picasaweb upload works with internet explorer, blogger functions work with mozilla, grrrr).

I head back tomorrow. I will catch up on the missing days soon. Check out the photos on picasaweb - slide show in the sidebar.

It's been a great vacation but I am so ready to go home.


Jonathan said...

I sure have enjoyed your trip. I have no doubt you will remember it forever. I feel like I was there with you. Maybe I was-in spirit. I learned from your trip which is nice and I thank you for that V. Excellent way tp spend a vaca, would,nt ya say?

smariek said...

Travel is fun, but it's always nice to return home. Have a safe flight back.

Did you feel the earthquake in China while you were in Hong Kong?